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Independent artists and SwaLay

In India, independent artists often struggle to gain recognition and reach a wider audience. The music industry in India is dominated by mainstream artists and record labels, making it difficult for independent artists to make a name for themselves. However, this is where platforms like SwaLay come in.

SwaLay is a music distribution platform that aims to empower independent artists in India. By partnering with industry-leading platforms such as Spotify, Apple iTunes, Amazon, and Chingari. SwaLay ensures that independent artists can gain maximum exposure and reach a wider audience. With the help of SwaLay, independent artists can upload their music to these platforms and be discovered by music lovers around the world.

One of the critical ways that SwaLay helps independent artists is by ensuring they retain the complete copyrights of their content and are not subjected to any restricting contracts. This means that independent artists have complete control over their music and can make decisions about how and where their music is distributed.

SwaLay has also helped 1000+ artists and delivered 10000000+ music plays in just a 3 months fraction in India. That's not all, it was also honored with the National Achievers Award 2022 for its contribution towards the empowerment of independent music in India.

In conclusion, independent artists in India often struggle to gain recognition and reach a wider audience. However, platforms like SwaLay are helping to change this by providing independent artists with the tools and resources they need to succeed in the music industry. With the help of SwaLay, independent artists can gain maximum exposure and reach a wider audience, ensuring that their talent is recognized and appreciated.


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